In preparation for this
winter’s colds and flu, here are some tips on naturally boosting immunity by
using home remedies, herbs and spices, and fruits and vegetable.
Hydrotherapy – good water treatments for colds - soak in hot tub with
eucalyptus oil, drink lots of fluids, rest in a pre-warmed bed, keep yourself
warm throughout the day – do these 1 to 3 times a day.
Herbal Steam treatment – good for chest congestion - boil water, remove from
stove, add essential oil (sage, balsam, eucalyptus), cover your head with a
towel and breathe the steam for 5-10 minutes; repeat 2 to 3 times until
symptoms subside.
Coughing – flushes out toxins in mucus from the body.
Expectorants loosen mucus. For coughs with hoarse
voice – mix ¼ tsp black pepper with ghee/clarified butter; take on a full
stomach. For coughs without hoarseness,
mix ¼ tsp black pepper with honey (also take on a full stomach). [If coughs persist, see a doctor right away].
Sore Throat – antimicrobials and astringents to fight
infection and for gargling - Echinacea, Golden Seal, Garlic, Myrrh, and Red Sage,
Balm of Gilead, Thyme and Eucalyptus [available at health food stores].
Herbs –
especially good for strengthening immunity and fighting colds and flu:
Basil – good for
fevers, colds, flu, headaches, nausea, vomiting. Use in soup or as a tea.
Black Pepper – helpful
for colds and sore throat; is an antifungal and antiparasitic. Add to food.
Cardamom – warms the
Cayenne – benefits in
fighting colds, flu and headaches. Use in soup.
Cinnamon – warms the
system; treats coughing and wheezing. Use in cereals, teas.
Cloves – stimulating
and relieves nausea; use in tea or soups.
Coriander leaf –
relieves fever, aids digestion. Use in
soup or stew.
Cumin – warms the body;
use in beans, soups and stew.
Fennel – soothes
digestion, treats coughs and expels mucus. Use in tea or soup.
Garlic – antiparasitic
and fights infections. Fights colds,
flu, sore throat, fever, coughs. Use
garlic oil for earache. Add to soups,
stews, salads.
Ginger – warms the
body; strengthens digestion and circulation.
Excellent for colds, flu, bronchitis, coughs, pneumonia. Use in soup and tea.
Parsley – relieves
fever; use in soups or stews.
Rosemary – treats
headaches, nausea, and fever.
Sage – useful for
fighting colds/flu in early stages; drink sage tea for easing sore throats
Thyme – Helps with
bronchial problems and laryngitis – make into a tea.
Turmeric – breaks up
congestion, benefits circulation, reduces fever
Fighting Fruit and Vegetables – (avoid eating cold foods)
Apples – high in vitamin
C; blood purifier and benefits the lympathic system.
– help strengthen the lungs.
– high in calcium, iron, vitamins A & C to fight off infections.
– blood builder
– blood builder, benefits digestive and lympathic systems, high in Vitamins A
and minerals.
– high in vitamins A & C
– high in vitamin C, stimulates immune system, fights infection; high in
calcium, potassium, minerals.
– high in minerals, vitamins A and B1, cleanses blood.
– blood builder, high in Iron; antibacterial.
– rich in calcium, good source of vitamins A & C; benefits respiratory and
lymphatic system
Greens – high in vitamin A, liver cleanser, stimulates the glands and
detoxifies the body.
(narrow leaf) & Escarole (broad leaf) very high in vitamin A, iron,
potassium, helps body fight infection.
– good laxative effect for cleansing toxins from the body.
– (raw) is an antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, and antiviral;
stimulates the immune system. Has
favorable effect on mucous membranes of the throat, air passages of the lungs,
is decongestant and expectorant; great for bronchitis and hay fever.
– high in iron, good blood builder.
– powerful liver cleanser and high in vitamin C; eat pulp and bitter white pith
for best liver cleansing effect
Green Peppers – high in
vitamin A for building resistance to colds and infection; high in vitamin C
Kale – high in vitamin
A, iron and calcium.
Leeks – good for throat
disorders and acute nasal discharges; good for respiratory system.
– high in vitamin C, which cleanses and aids liver function. Treats sore
throats and colds, increases elimination through the skin which cools body and
lowers fevers.
Lettuce – high in vitamin
A & C.
Limes – high in vitamin
Mangos – blood cleanser
and reduces fever.
Melons – good source of
minerals; high in beta carotene.
Mushrooms – high in niacin,
protein & germanium which increases oxygen efficiency. Stimulates immune system.
Mustard Greens – high
in calcium and other minerals.
Onions – antibiotic,
fights bronchial inflammations, colds and cleanses body of toxins.
– high in vitamin C, fights viral infections.
Papaya – rich in
vitamins A, C, E and iron.
Parsley – rich in iron,
copper and manganese and is a blood builder.
Pears – high in vitamin
C and iron.
Pineapple – high in vitamin
C, breaks down mucus.
Potatoes – high in
vitamin C, potassium, iron and vitamin B1; fight viral infections.
Pumpkin – high in
vitamin B and C.
Raspberries – good
source of vitamin A and C; cleanser of mucuous membranes and for removing
Spinach – source of
vitamins C and A, iron, potassium; good for lymphatic system.
Strawberries –
antiviral and high in vitamin C
Swiss Chard – high in
vitamin A and C, potassium, sodium and calcium; wards off colds.
Turnips – high in
vitamin C, treats bronchial problems.
Watercress – stimulates
glandular function and strengthens liver and purifies the bloods.
Yams –
Note: these suggestions aren’t intended
as a prescription or diagnosis. Be sure
to visit your doctor for appropriate medical advice.
Cituk, Kathy & Finnegan, John. “Natural Foods and Good Cooking.” Elysian Arts: Mill Valley, CA, 1989.
Gottlieb, Bill Ed. “New Choices in Natural Healing:
Over 1800 of the Best Self-Help Remedies from the World of Alternative
Medicine.” Rodale Press Inc. 1995.