NEW WORKSHOP!!!: Mindfulness- Foundational Practises to Grow Attention

Mindfulness: Foundational Practices to
 Grow Attention
(prerequisite for Mindfulness: Practices to Grow Self Knowledge.)

Mindfulness practices grow emotional intelligence.
By learning to mindfully pay attention, we begin to improve our relationships with ourselves and with others.

This 2 week fundamentals course is designed to introduce you to time-tested meditation techniques to:

  • increase attention and concentration,
  • grow calmness,
  • get you started & grounded in a meditation practise
  • empower you to be present during your day - on & off the cushion
  • help you skillfully cope with life. 

Class time will include some group and journaling activities.  Bring writing materials, and a journal with you to class.  

Each session is 3 hoursand arrangements can be made to offer the class around your convenience and schedule.


I'm teaching 
Mindfulness: Foundational Practices
 to Grow Attention.

Campbell Adult Community Education on:
   Saturdays (9:15am-12:15pm) on 
6th & 13th May 2017

Register for class 5000 at 

If you want to get to know and work with your mind, thoughts and emotions, then this course is for you.

Contact: Casey at 
with questions
to set up small group sessions for this course
designed around your schedule and convenience.