I realized I could help people more if I introduced
them to Mindfulness which has been invaluable in my own holistic development. My natural curiosity and meditation practice
provided a perfect space to experiment with mindfulness practices. Over time I began noticing changes – I was
calmer, less reactive, and more resilient -- in how I dealt with daily
stressors. I was fascinated.
My approach is designed to introduce you to cleansing
and calming healing sessions, and to living practices that will empower you
through methods of awareness and acceptance. We will be working in collaboration
to help you heal. The path to true
healing, which is ultimately empowering, is learning to deal with our pain. So I will both ask questions and seek
suggestions of you, as we often have the answers but need reminding that we do.
Incorporating beneficial practices into life and
relieving stress helps free up energy to achieve desired goals. To energise, relieve and balance you, I offer
Pranic and Reiki Healing. The Mindfulness
and Acceptance strategies I teach will empower you recognize how your reactions,
thoughts, and feelings impact your life.