I can’t believe this year is almost over.
For some reason, probably age related, this year I’ve been
very conscious of how quickly Fridays seem to be coming round.
The word that keeps coming to mind is “Precious”.

Realizing that time is moving on and there won't be an infinite number of tomorrows has really driven home the preciousness of the time we have with
each other right now. So why not
celebrate in a most heartfelt way?
During this year’s festivities, we can make the people in
our lives feel how special they are to us. Life is fleeting; life is precious.
Time spent together, in spite of moments of
irritation and hurt is indeed valuable. Our life paths intersect for a limited period in a lifetime. For some relationships it may
feel interminable, but in reality it is brief.
This holiday season
we can do more than just share our home, food, and presents with each
other; we can share our presence. We can take the time to connect
in a meaningful way with the person who’s flown across country, or just driven across town be with us.
If sharing deep
feelings is uncomfortable, then simply expressing gratitude and appreciation
through gestures, expressions, touch, and when you feel strong enough through words
is the most treasured gift we can give each other.
May you seize this
holiday season to truly enjoy the people in your life.