Many people are put off by the thought of meditating. They can’t imagine sitting still and being
with themselves for any length of time.

However, the value of getting to know your mind outweighs this
initial discomfort. The benefits of meditation are splayed all over the internet so I won’t go
into it here. But learning to concentrate
the mind is a supreme skill with effects that spread far beyond the meditation
A life-changing reason for learning and committing to a concentration-building practice is that it will help with being more focused and present in life. Students in my
meditation classes almost always cite distractibility and the inability to be
in the present moment, which causes them stress and anxiety, as the main reason
for coming to a meditation class.
There are many kinds
of meditations with many purposes. The
concentration or attention building techniques used particularly in
mindfulness meditation is an important one to learn.
Here’s why.

We all know how stressed and anxious we feel when we are at the
mercy of our mind as it flits from one thing to the next. We are trying to work on a report and our
mind switches to worrying about next week’s meeting, or to what’s for dinner,
or to wondering if we turned off the stove, or to recalling a dream. It’s
Therefore the skill or ability to willfully direct and keep
our minds on a chosen object is crucial in being mentally, emotionally and
physically healthy.
Meditation trains the mind to be concentrated and pliable to
our will. We train in controlling it
rather than it controlling us. We know
our minds are tamer or are tamed when we direct it to a subject and it’s able to
remain on it.
To do that we need
to learn how to relax first. Too much
effort can stir up the mind. It’s a fine
balance between trying but not struggling.
So we sit calmly with the intention that we’ll simply observe what the mind does. We give it a job of being aware of the breath and then notice when it leaves the breath to worry or fantasize about something else.
So we sit calmly with the intention that we’ll simply observe what the mind does. We give it a job of being aware of the breath and then notice when it leaves the breath to worry or fantasize about something else.
Remaining observant and not getting disappointed or upset when
the mind wanders is especially important. The task
is to simply and gently bring it back to the breath when it wanders away. The repetition of this process, done with curious interest into the antics of your mind, will over time make it more pliable to your will.

Then we can see the effect of our thoughts, speech and actions on ourselves and those around us. For most of us currently, much of our mind’s working is hidden from us, and we mindlessly follow our thoughts.
Starting with just five minutes a day, we can begin to make
friends with this most important part of ourselves that is running our
lives. Grab the opportunity to familiarize
yourself with your mind. You’ll
experience benefits beyond your wildest imagination.
May you grow your concentration and get to know your mind
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