Do we know what we prioritize and
value in our life? Are we able to recognize when we need something? Or do we simply go along with whatever sweeps
us up in life? The daily demands
placed on us by so many things—family, work, studies, friends – makes it extremely
easy to overlook our need in the larger scheme of things.

This struggle to balance needs and
responsibilities is familiar to us, and can be so overwhelming that we often
are barely aware of our needs, let along being able to prioritize them. But there’s something that can help. Another
way of viewing cultural or religious periods of abstinence and fasting is that
they help us recalibrate our life. How?
Fasting periods like Lent (literally
lent to us) apply the brake on our hectic schedules; they serve as a break from
the routine. Routine activities, often dictated
by others’ demands, dominate our day. When
these demands become so habitual, we do them on auto pilot. This is why we can do the laundry, wash the
dishes, cook a meal, and drive home without being aware of how it is getting
done. Being this absent from such a
large part of our own life is not wise.
Another benefit that participating
in a fasting period provides is that it make us become more conscious of our
actions. For instance, if we’ve chosen to abstain from alcohol,
candy or cigarettes during this period, we have to be extra conscious to not
let our conditioning and habitual patterns take over. Consequently we become
more alert and attentive to all we do, say and put into our mouths. We become present. And this is valuable. Even though consciousness requires effort, it
is an investment in self. The first step towards a peaceful and
meaningful life on purpose is self care.
Our ability to recognize what we
value and need is integral in our ability to effectively help or serve others. Sometimes all we need is a tiny break in
routine for something to become clear. Self
care doesn’t have to be an expedition to a mountain or a retreat it can be just
a few moments of quiet listening and honoring an inner calling.
I wish I could participate in Lent, but I just love all of the things you mentioned too much =) Even more reason to do it, I suppose!
ReplyDeleteIn any case, I wanted to make mention of a thought around the cancellation or the appointment. When I first started to do Reiki (as a recipient), it took me a long time to get the courage to make an appointment. Actually, it still does.
Reiki sessions are so powerful to me and they make me focus on what is, what is not and what should be. They are a way of reminding me of what is important and what is not or should be. While this may seem like a no brainer, it's very scary. It isn't like I do not want to hear it, but the feeling of having Reiki done TO me is so strong that it takes a certain amount of strength from me to go through it.
I have to remind myself that once I do go through with it, I feel absolutely myself again. Centered and balanced. At ease with myself and the world. And open to help others around me once again. It is just getting the courage to get there that often takes times for me.
Great post!
Hi Shino, Great insights and valuable comments. And thanks for another perspective on why this client mayn’t have come for the appointment.
ReplyDeleteYou know, because I do Reiki most often on people who are already comfortable with it, I sometimes forget that a person can feel vulnerable. The fact is when we visit our regular doctor we are vulnerable too, but maybe we don’t think of it that way. Many of us will willingly give up our experiential expertise in favour of a doctor’s theoretical expertise. And this makes us vulnerable, don’t you think? Things seems to be changing, but typically allopathic medicine doesn’t give us the power and responsibility to recognize our role in healing ourselves. Whereas with Reiki and other such alternative therapies, we are expected to become an active participant in our own healing. These therapies remind us of our own power, and they gently shift expectation back to learning self reliance and self trust again. Maybe we feel vulnerable because we know that our ability to be open and receptive makes the session most beneficial. So you are right. This is scary. And as you say, Reiki “reminds us of what is important and not”, so it puts us back in the driver’s seat of our own life.
I can also see how powerless we feel when we think “something is being done to you [us]”. But in fact, Reiki is a cooperative process (I don’t have to tell you this). Reiki practitioner ethics require we always seek the consent of the person who is wanting treatment. And what a wonderful safe opportunity a Reiki session provides for us to feel and heal.
Let’s continue this great discussion because it helps me clarify some of my assumptions and it gives me new insights. Friends please join the conversation…